Jan 01 (1)

DAY #275

Helper? Assistant? Wingman? Handbag? ...HANDBAG!?
I think I may have found Somewhere I Belong... As a survivor advisor!
Poliwhirl hates zombies.
Looks like he's found someone similar, in some ways, perhaps they could live out the rest of armageddon?
Anyway, so... Yeah, um... About that... I mean, it's nice that they're both in the Water 1 group, but is she leaving?
So is Milotic swimming away from the horde? I can't say I blame her... I probably would have switched if it were me...
Except I think I might have given it more of a chance. Perhaps it just got off to a bad start? An unlucky flinch, if you will?
Sorry, I know I'm saying one thing and typing another... Yes, you should stop doing it if you don't enjoy it, Milotic.
Though... I will miss you in battles.
All I really remember from last year is how happy you seemed. It made me feel more relaxed. Soothing giggling...
Yeah, it turned out that it was a Facade (These Pokemon references are coming hard and fast!), but nonetheless...
A scared little Poliwhirl managed to speak to you eventually. Surely that must mean you were doing a good job!
Marvel Scale activates if you're inflicted with a Status Condition, and you have access to Recover! You're amazing!
You will be sorely missed, you beautiful social sec, and The Founder will be lucky to have your undivided attention! :)