Jan 01 (1)

DAY #165

I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday... I caught a train, and then zombies got on the track, so I was stuck there...
OK, I lied. I'm not sorry. I couldn't help it. It was absolutely not my fault.
Cool, so... Ever get the feeling that you're not really a person?
Alright, I'd better make that a bit more specific...
Right... So, it's the sense that nobody cares you exist. Like if you got bitten tomorrow, survivors would be like "Oh, pity."
I'm getting that impression at the moment.
Nothing I can do seems to be enough... I'm not enough in one direction or the other. Not a full-blown nerd, nowhere near normal.
A middle existance. Mr Medium... Mediocre Murray.
Oh, I get like this while there are no zombies about. I forget it's the apocalypse and then just selfishly blog about... Well, me.
There is no point to my posts at the moment. I am literally just turning this into an open forum for feeling inadequate.
I suppose most survivors feel a bit depressed most of the time. Especially considering all of our loved ones are dead.
My life... No, my existance... Is pretty dull. I wake up, I offend people, I eat, I ruin friendships, I blog, I sleep.
Every day I'm sufferin'!