Jan 01 (1)

DAY #181

It's your old pal... You know... The one that doesn't say much.
Christ, my family is messed up. I wonder how we can even cope with this zombie shit.
Oh, perhaps a situation like this actually makes the crazy Maynards a little bit less insane.
Not as worthy of judgement. Like, if we've managed to survivve, we're worthy of some respect...
There is nothing I have left to blog about, clearly. I haven't even written about the undead today. Barely mentioned them.
Ah, it will all be over soon. One day, I'll wake up infected. Just like every other human does eventually.
Come to think of it... Will I get bitten? Or bite the dust first? To die is inevitable, but will I come back?
That's today's blog. Sorry it's so shit.