Jan 01 (1)

DAY #191

Hello. Hello. Hello. He...Hello?
I'm back. Seemingly from the dead. It's been three days. I'm getting sloppy. I apologise.
Well, to fill you in, my brother is back in hospital. His lung went again. This time he had to have surgery. So that's pretty shit.
However, he is on the mend now. The operation seems to have been successful, and he should be discharged soon...
Although my parents, my mum especially, are still worried he'll be bitten while he's weak, and then he'll be gone for good.
That's not going to happen.
Sure, there's always a risk of infection when you pierce the flesh, but those hospitals are safe and secure and zombie-free.
Healthcare really imporved before the outbreak really got going... In fact, for a while, everything improved.
All the national debt, the recession, media scandals, all of it... They suddenly were meaningless and insignificant...
People didn't care about Jordan's new boob job, or whether the stock market went up or down...
Everyone was just crapping their pants.
NHS funding went through the roof, that is, just before money lost all value, and over the course of the infection, it became great.
It's sad to think that we couldn't get to that point sooner. Humanity has to be on the verge of extinction before it stops being selfish...
Now it's too late. I read somewhere (in the News of the Worst, I think...), that out of all survivors left, over half were medical staff.
Great job there, government! You trained up doctors and nurses just in time for everybody to die. But that said, I am grateful!