Jan 01 (1)

DAY #197

I spent most of today with other survivors, playing card games for prizes.
Money? Nah, we weren't playing for money. Money is for noobs. Post-apocalypse, people play for 'valuable items'.
An example might be, like, a weapon. Perhaps a really great sword to use against the undead... Swords are quite rare.
So, anyway, I didn't win that much. A couple of things. The odd shiny thing that you could trade for food...
Somehow, I think that this meeting won't be my last... Shock horror!
Every day I remind people to REMAIN INDOORS for fear of death, yet I then just go out to play some stupid card games?
Fuck off.
For me, the rule doesn't always apply. I have remained indoors my entire life. I'm allowwed the occasional outing.
Even though it might get me infected (again?), I'm experienced enough to know the risks and prepare for the worst.
Cool, so... Now we got that sorted out...
Talk you you tomorrow, yeah? Same time, same place, same URL!