Jan 01 (1)

DAY #243

Hello, hello, and hello again!
I am very happy, since I've got my beloved laptop back a day early! Hooray! Praise to any omnipotent deities!
How nice it is to have unlimited internet access back! But anyway, isn't it strange that PC repair men are around post-apocalypse?
Of all the professions to keep going... What a strange one! Pizza delivery person, OK. Soldier, sure... Pro geek? Um...
Well, I suppose that (Four words usually come before a huge generalisation) computer maintenance people don't get out much.
And what's the best possible advice for surviving the zombie uprising? You guessed it. And, y'know... I'm just saying...
Religion saw it coming... "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" - Matthew 5:5
Even The Bible felt bad about the losers who rarely saw sunlight... And just look at us now! The only sentient, non-rotten ones left!
Yeah, it's kind of like a reward, but also a punishment... Ah well. At least I have my laptop back!!
OH! I saw some TERRIFYING SHIT today! A zombie... JOGGING.
Undead... Surely they can't jog... They're dead! That's part of how they are described! But I saw it... I'm sorry...
Don't reach for the noose just yet! It might just have been a one-off... Perhaps an ex-Olympian infected? Naturally fast?
One jogging zombie does not a Left 4 Dead or 28 Days Later or Dawn Of The Dead (remake) situation make! It's just...
If it turns out NOT to be a one off, and if I see more and more Walkers turning into Joggers, then... Perhaps they're... Evolving.
No... It can't be... I must just be imagining... I'm tired... Zombies can't evolve... How could they speed up? Im... Impossible...
Go to bed Murray. Your imagination is running wild. Stop scaring the other survivors...
My apologies. I'm getting ahead of myself. This isn't Nazi Zombies, this is real life. I must be tired and confused...
You're perfectly safe from the shufflers. There are NO SUCH THING as RUNNING ZOMBIES. That is all. Goodnight...