Jan 01 (1)

DAY #258

Ha! Lenny Henry is back on TV!
Isn't that something!
I'm going away tomorrow... I'm moving into my new house. SAFEHOUSE #3, as I'll affectionately call it.
There's so much responsi... Oh wait, I did that yesterday.
So, yeah, about this moat? I think we should build a better defense for the house. We should build a moat.
Moats are good. Expensive and hard to get, but totally worth it. Creatures outside without flying can't attack you.
In any case, we need, like, a drawbridge, and... And turrets and dragons and knights and... OK, I'm getting carried away...
No, no. Yeah, but we really need spirals painted all over the front, rope ladders between every floor, and some kind of moat.
I'm on the top floor, by the way. Right up in the attic. So the zombies actually have to tackle two ladders to eat me.
Good job I called that floor. That means I'm most likely to survive.
Hordes of the undead can pour in, wave after wave, but so long as I keep my retractable ascension device rolled up... Then HA.
They can even be running zombies for all I care. They could even be moat-swimming, sprinting zombies. But they still can't climb.
But what will I do for food? If the walking dead fight their way into SAFEHOUSE #3, how will I have access to food?
Let me tell you. I plan to stockpile loads of drinks and canned meals by my bedside, and even if they run out, I can always...
Use the roof! Yep, I have roof access from my attic room. I can grow fruit and veg, and boil rainwater... It's perfect!
Even if we're attacked by swimming, running, starving, spiral immune, jumping, undying zombies... I WILL SURVIVE.