Jan 01 (1)

DAY #259

Hey again! Did you see last night's post too?
I did one about 9 hours ago, on the other side of my unconcious period, AKA sleep.
So, why am I blogging just after I've woken up? Well, it's because I won't have intrnet access at SAFEHOUSE #3 tonight.
Even if I did have a wifi hotspot nearby, I'd be too busy boarding up the windows and knocking down the stairs.
Ever make a house zombie-proof? I'm guessing yes since, you're reading this now. If you didn't make a safehouse...
Yeah, but it really is the worst time. Knocking down stairs and drilling holes for the rope ladders maks so much noise.
Other than the thousands of zombies within hearing range that will come stumbling (or running?) towards you, you'll be fine.
Use this method, and you'll be fine... Find an old tape machine, hook it up to a huge speaker, and plug it in to a car battery.
Set this all up in a house about, say, one mile away from your new one. Then turn it on, crank it up, and run like fuck.
Or, if you're really clever, check beforehand and put the tape so it's about to switch sides, so there's a long silent 'escape time'.
OK, and then you're good to start work! Those zombies will run (stumble?) towards the other house, and you're free!
Now... Where the hell am I going to get a tape in this day and age...