Jan 01 (1)

DAY #263

Hiii~! Aren't you bored yet?
I suppose since almost everyone on the planet became a mindless, shambling, horrible thing, it's nice to read something NEW.
Around the time that 'club' music started taking off... That's when the dead rose from their graves to devour humanity...
Reasonable to be reading a survivor's blog, then... Especially if there's been almost nothing to do for the past 20 years...
Everyone, to stay alive and survive this outbreak, just spend hours on the internet trying not to draw attention.
Yep. That's the advice my parents taught me, and I haven't turned out that badly have I! (...HAVE I?)
Oh, I've been set the first piece of work this term! It's just the ONE PIECE, but it's a shocking reminder of how hard Physics is!
Unsurprisingly, over the summer, I've been wrapped up in a little game called "Don't get eaten by the zombies", AKA life.
Though I've had plenty of time to be revising, I haven't. It just seems like... A waste. Surely you should enjoy each day?
Hello, but if by some terrible accident your defenses don't work, for just one night, you won't be waking up!
Even if one small thing goes wrong, there's the risk of death. It's a permanent fear for your life.
Really, do these lecturers actually expect us to spend our time trying to learn things when we could be... Um...
Err... Alright. I'll do the problem sheet. I haven't got anything better to do...