Jan 01 (1)

DAY #265

Hello gov'! Hello gov'ner! HELLO GOV'NER! YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
I'm really not expecting anyone to get that. It's from Tim And Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, so... Yeah.
There's barely anyone left alive to judge me, so why should I care if I broadcast how weird I am?
Even if you do meet me, you'll instantly know that I'm a freak who acts like a 10 year old... By the way... HI CHRIS!
Xipluv ekil dekool ti dna yadretsey xof a was ew...
That sentence above is backwards, btw. Because do you know how hard it is to star a sentence with the letter X?
Made made dane...
Echizen, Ryoma said that. And if you google the reference, you'll know a little more about why I have nothing in common with anyone.
?tenretni evah neve uoy od...