Jan 01 (1)

DAY #284

How does everybody know about the hidden messages?
I have one idea... It involves a certain aquaintence of mine, an unhealthy amount of alcohol, and nothing better to talk about.
Bloody hell. Now I'm going to have to put effort in so that these aren't crap. Although they will still be crap.
Today's topic: Can zombies swim and/or are they scared of water?
This question was raised the other day when I watched Dawn of the Dead again, and there was the zombie in the fountain...
Every other 'weakness' that zombies apparently have in the media, I overlook, but this is an interesting case...
Resurrected corpses shouldn't really be able to swim, because they're dead. They would sink. And swimming isn't natural anyway...
OK, but surely just because it 'makes sense' doesn't mean it's right... I mean look at Quantum Physics!
For me, there is one piece of evidence that backs this theory up, and that is the sheer amount of media coverage on it.
Flailing, splashing zombies have been in Diary of the Dead, Dead Set, Dawn of the Dead, Land of the Dead (kind of)...
Out of all the weaknesses that they could have, like spirals or fences, why is it such a common theme?
Now I'm tempted to think that it's because it really is true. Maybe the undead do just sink like stones and can't escape!
Maybe if there was a zombie trapped in a whirlpool, it would bring the human back, because that's like water AND spirals!
Yeah, it's unlikely... And what's more, it's not much use either. Unless you have a moat. Which nobody does.
OK, you could use it to 'store' them, if you ever wanted to, like, in an abandoned swimmping pool or something...
Why you wouldn't just kill them though? Aw, I don't know. I can't think right at the moment. I'm just so hungry... BRAINS...
No... Not again... BRAAAINS... I'm going to have a bath...