Jan 01 (1)

DAY #285

How are you?
I mean, really, what's up?
Seems like every time I sign in to Facebook, you're like "I'm out of here!"
Perhaps I'm just being paranoid, because I have learned to be, but it's happened just a few too many times...
OK, here's an idea, you let me know if you want to communicate. I know I'm meant to be 'the guy', but surely you know me by now.
I am not fussed about things like this... I'm not one to get lonely easily...
Let me just clarify, if you turn out to be a zombie, or even a crazy survivor, I'm going to have to send out Poliwhirl.
Erm... Y'know, I'm not sure even I know what I mean by that. I think it means I'll go full nerd mode, like:
Rasengan or Chidori? Kuma or Akainu? X-Burner Air or Sistema CAI? Sabo voiced by Uzumaki Naruto... NANDE?
So yeah. If you understood none of that, be grateful I'm trying to talk to you at all. I don't usually venture far from my anime zone.