Jan 01 (1)

DAY #300

It's a shame that this might be the last multiple-of-100 special blog that I'll ever do... Who knows, I might die before the next one!
So... Zombies?
OK, so... You've been reading for quite while now, and I'm sure you must know by now that the only way to survive is to stay hidden...
REMAIN INDOORS, and all that... Yeah, well, I kinda went against that rule last night. I did it... For a girl.
Right, I know, I know... Love is dead, you're a disgusting freak, you never stood a chance anyway... Yes, I can hear you...
Yet I went out anyway. Was it because I would risk my life for her? Or was I bored? Do I get a thrill out of nearly dying? I don't know.
Facing the zombie horde to rescue an attractive, interesting girl has never been my thing before... And I'm not sure it ever will be again.
Oh my god it was horrible. I fought my way past a group of the undead, and made it into a flat, but there were more inside.
Realising how trapped I was, I resorted to the backup plan of 'play along'. I was moaning and stumbling about for about an hour.
By this point, I had found the girl in the flat, but she had recognised one of the infected as her ex-Romeo. Things were not looking good.
Even when I did speak to her quietly, she seemed to be overcome with sadness, and almost as if she didn't care for her own safety.
It was torture. Seeing the girl that I had come to rescue still wandering around her past love, and with the zombie threat ever-present.
Now that I think about it, she might have already been bitten, because she seemed to be invisible to the rest of the zombies in the room.
Go on, hate me for this but, I left. There was nothing I could do. My survival instincts took over. If I stayed longer, I would have died.
As I was on the way out, I stumbled across another survivor. He was looking after a poorly girl. I couldn't tell if she was infected or not.
Leaving them there would have been cruel, so I stayed a while to help out. I remember we carried her up the hill, to safety but...
I don't even want to remember... We had to walk past an ex-nightclub, and there were hundreds or even thousands of those... Things.
Various tracks were blaring out from inside, which must have been what attracted so many of them. It was like the gates to hell.
Every one of those zombies was shuffling in time to the music... It was like a dance of the living dead.
As we were supporting our casualty past this nightmare, I noticed the girl I had come for staggering in with her zombie Montague.
My heart stopped for a moment. Had she become infected? But I had to get the girl to safety. My imaginary love-life had to wait.
Yeah, we got the girl out alive. I made it back in one piece. I haven't seen the damsel since. But I know I'm never doing anything like that again!
(1,21)   (2,70)(4,16)(5,6)(6,5)   (7,3)(8,11)   (9,2)(10,3)(12,2)(13,12)   (14,21)(15,8)(18,42)   (19,5)(20,7)(21,22)(22,4)   (11,7)(17,1)(3,8)(16,1)(23,53)(25,2)!!!