Jan 01 (1)

DAY #12

Hey you!
It's the end of the world!
The dead don't stay dead. That's a bummer.
Although on the plus side, at least it puts things into context: Hardly anyone moans about the weather anymore.
So, you know, every cloud.
I stay inside quite a lot, and this leaves me quite a lot of time to ponder.
For example, do you think that if we managed to somehow regain dominance on earth we would keep a few zombies around for sports? Could we train them to play football? That would be so good! Dangerous for the ref, admittedly, but otherwise good old-fashioned entertainment! We should do it! Why does nobody else think of these things?
Oh, yeah, right. That.
How am I keeping? Well, not great. I'm having trust issues.
I'm happy I still have my life, don't get me wrong, but I feel like it's just a matter of time until I become one of them... All it would take is just one moment of stupidity, not paying attention or really bad luck and then it's Game Over.
That's pretty depressing, right? That one error that may not even be your fault could cause you to go from outbreak veteran to 'just another zombie' in an instant. Living with that fear every day... that's a bit demoralising right?
Especially here. Seeing all these corpses wandering around all the time. It's perpetually threatening. A round-the-clock reminder that one slip up and you're just like them.
Unbelievably, this is actually having an impact on my social life.
Stop laughing.
So far, my strategy for coping with this undead apocalypse has been to minmise risks. Know all the variables and control as many of them as you can. It's just how I was raised.
If I trust someone else with this responsibility, a crucial part of staying alive, I really have to trust them not to screw up, for my sake.
It's selfish, I know that, but given the circumstances, I think it's pretty reasonable; I don't want to die.
So far this 'term', I haven't really mingled with many fellow survivors. I'm sorry about that, but I just want to ease myself in, take it slow and make myself feel secure. I'm not saying I'll never trust other people, I'm just saying it may take a while.
Well, I guess that's a post-apocalypse apology.
Stay alive.