Jan 01 (1)

DAY #13

I'm living in a world where billions of ex-people want to gobble me up!
And I have lots of work to do.
I don't know which is worse really. That's sarcasm by the way.
Yes, four days in and the backlog of worksheets and problem papers is becoming so large I don't know where to start... So much for New Years Resolutions, but then you know what they say about leopards...
I'm very much a creature of habit. A lazy creature of habit. Essentially a sloth. In fact, if I didn't get so much cardiovascular activity from running away from the undead, I'd probably be more like a whale.
Although, on the plus side, even if I was huge, at least there are almost no people left to judge me.
Today we learnt about stars. I suppose it was partially for navigational purposes seeing as GPS is useless now that the people who calibrate it to the satellites are all infected or have more important things to be worrying about.
So now I can know which way is South in the middle of the night!
I don't go out at night. No person in their right mind does. So pretty pointless lesson there.
Here's a bit of trivia for you. Our campus has a food and essentials distribution outlet... Kind of like a shop. They don't really sell anything, they just... give it out. So long as you've got an ID card and you're under quota for the week, you can pick up almost in date biscuits, and only semi-congealed milk. Luxury!
My deepest thanks go out to the people who raid the abandoned supermarkets to collect this stuff. They put their lives on the line every day so we can have some nice food for a change. They truly are inspiring.
Meanwhile, tensions are running high among my fellow survivors... I think it's just being away from loved ones and knowing that any day they might not reply to your messages. It's a perfectly reasonable fear, but we have to remember, we're all in this for the long haul...
The horde is getting hungrier by the day.