Jan 01 (1)

DAY #201

Huh... I guess this is the furthest I'll be from a multiple of a hundred again... That's a little depressing.
In any case, there is no way I'll be able to do anything half as good as yesterday... And if you thought my last one was shite, stop reading now.
Still here? OK then... I'll try to keep it related to the infected this evening...
Cool, so, today, I saw an awesome video online. It had been uploaded by a certain Deputy Rick Grimes...
Americans have such awesome names... I mean, Rick Grimes! How badass does that sound?!
Rick. Grimes.
Yeah, anyway... So in the clip, he's got a rock, quite a big rock, and there's this zombie, like, staggering towards him...
Doing what he has to, he smashes this walker right on the noggin... And then follows through with it!
Alright, it's certainly not what everyone wants to watch... I mean, that shit looks pretty damn disgusting...
Really, though, it's an amazing clip. Certainly worth a watch, I'd say. I think it was called "Walking Dead 2" or something...
Kind of the guy to upload a video like that, really. People do need to see how to deal with these ghouls...
(Wow, I really overuse the dot dot dot don't I?)
Anywho, after looking into this deputy guy, turns out he's got a whole load of videos about the undead...
There are about six quite long 'episodes' which detail this guy's survival. It's very useful to watch.
Every survivor should see it. It's called 'The Walking Dead', and although it's slightly different in America, the apocalypse is very similar.
Right, that's more than enough plugging for one evening... I'll type at you tomorrow!