Jan 01 (1)

DAY #202

Hi, how are you? Living?
I'm glad to hear it! Or, if you are (un)dead, I'm sorry to hear it... Either way, assume I respond appropriately.
People of armageddon, what do you think about RPGs? No, not the explosive... The genre that Final Fantasy is.
Obviously, for those of you who have never heard of the 13 installment strong Japanese mega-series, RPG stands for Role Playing Game.
Kingdom Hearts, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Star Ocean, Pokem... You get the idea. There are tons.
Every game is different, but they all revolve around the central idea of charcter 'stats'. You play through a campain where the stats improve.
Most of you reading this will have played one. Why the hell did I just waste 3 lines? Ah well, I'll continue...
OK, so, RPGs... In Japan, they are all the rage. Look up Xenosaga. Or Dragon Quest. Or... Almost anything Japanese.
Now, I'm pretty obsessed with the Far East, so naturally, I play quite a few JRPGs...
But I realise that I am NOT NORMAL. So I ask you, the readers of a blog that I write, U LIEK RPGS?
Let's just say that over here, in the (vastly inferior) West, zombies prefer playing first person shooters. I mean... Yeah, but...
An hour of CoD is fun, but it gets you no... Satisfaction. Or... Sense of progression. Or... Story.
Calling in a Tactical Nuke is exciting... But seeing a colouful character overcome a challenge as direct result of your time and effort? Wow.
Killing Spree is very quotable... But finally levelling up enough to beat that final boss just to find out he's got a second form is more rewarding!
Rewarding... It's a sense of achievement that you don't get from Achievements. OK, it's less skillful, and yes, you can just grind, but...
Let's just say, I'm still such a child, I still prefer the constant reassurance of "You're slowly getting better!" to the adult "You're useless".
Each to their own, I guess. Different strokes for different folks. But there'll be no games of any type once the siphoned-off fuel runs out.
Sorry to make the end so depressing. I'll tap away on my keyboard tomorrow.