Jan 01 (1)

DAY #203

I'm going to keep this one short. I'm tired, nothing important has changed... You don't care anyway. I'll just have a rant.
Now, here's a trick to staying alive... Don't drink too much.
I mean alcohol specifically, but any liquid really. Don't want to come up against the horde drunk OR bursting for a piss.
Not good news for all those people who think "End of the world, fuck it, I'm going to get pissed".
End of the world, fucking survive it, you alcoholic!
There are exceptions, yeah. If you are with sober people who make sure you don't become a zombie, feel free.
Everyone take turns, if you like... One guy drinks themselves sick, the rest reinforce the barricades. It's a system.
Even though I don't drink, I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying that the first people to get bitten had just staggered out of The Kings Head.
Night night. Have fun tomorrow!