Jan 01 (1)

DAY #260

Hi guys!
I hope you've already watched Stumpy And Clanky on Youtube already...
Have you?
Use this opportunity to watch it again, or even just open it in a new tab while you're reading this!
My face is actually the first face you see which is pretty cool!
Murray "REMAIN INDOORS" Maynard on screen for the first time this year!
Everybody do me a massive favour and refresh the shit out of that video... It would make me super happy!
Right have you done that for me? THANKS!
Really nice to have internet again too... Just in time I'd say!
Ok, well I'm actually typing this on an on-screen keyboard for some long and boring reason that I won't explain here...
Although I have remembered a cool piece of trivia for you regarding keyboards...
Did you know that the longest word you can spell using only the top row is 'typewriter'? Pretty cool, huh? (I bet you're checking!)