Jan 01 (1)

DAY #268

Herp derp derp.
I think I failed again. I think I missed some kind of message or something? Am I being blanked? Is it something I did?
Fucking hell I'm shit.
But seriously though guys, I am shit right?
Maybe I have survived the zombie apocalypse for this long, maybe I do have some good points, but come on, how likely is that?
Everyone, I sit here now poking at my keyboard, and I'm telling you the truth... I'm not just scared of zombies. I'm... I'm...
So there I said it. They terrify me. I can't speak when I'm around them. It's like the words just die in my throat.
Alright, it's not ALL girls, it's just girls I don't trust or know very well. Which is most of them. So yeah, good luck with that girlfriend!
Go ahead, laugh. In a way, I'm glad that my joke of a life is making someone happy. Every joke has to have a butt...
Ehh... I'm useless... 私は無用です.