Jan 01 (1)

DAY #281

Hey! 281!
I used to catch a bus called the 281! Back in Teddington... Ah, the good old days...
Oh, I remember it well, the ICT room, the landing outside the LRC, the front of the school if it was sunny...
Loads of us would play Mario Kart DS, and one of us would always win because they'd mastered snaking...
Damn you Miles, your wrists must have been on fire after a long session, but you'll always be the best at Mario Kart in my opinion!
Flash! Haha, the fun we had with Macromedia Flash, as it was known back then! All our animations were rubbish!
Randomly insulting each other... Who cares if I have low self-esteem now? I enjoyed every put down back then...
I remember the discussions we would have about games, about anime, about music, and Seth, I always told you One Piece was AWESOME.
Everything was so much fun back then. I swear Timi even asked me out once... I know she was joking, but what if I'd said yes?
Nowadays, I'm just surrounded by zombies. Teddington School has been torn down since then. My friends have moved on.
Despite this, those days were the best days of my life, and those people shaped who I am today, for better... Or worse!
So thank you, Seth, Miles, James, Joe, Conrad and everyone else I considered my friends. Thank you for making my life such fun!