Jan 01 (1)

DAY #287

Hello there! Do you like stunts? How about terminally ill step-fathers? If you answered yes to one or both of those questions...
I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday. And I'm also pre-sorry about how shit today's one is going to be. But here's my excuse.
Yesterday, I was chased home by two semi-infected. Yup, the worst kind. The type that you think are survivors until the last moment.
Oh, and I was out of my safehouse because apparently cool stuff was happening somewhere nearby, and I wanted to join in.
Urgh... It was such a bad call on my part. I was out, at night, and I had a 45 minute walk (make that a 10 minute run) home.
Obviously I'm alive now... Thank god. Actually... How the heck did I make it back? I can't even remember... Did I...
Kill them? All I know is that this morning I woke up covered in blood. In fact, shit... I don't even know who's blood this is...