Jan 01 (1)

DAY #307

Hello there stranger! What are you buyin'?
I am of course referring to the salesman from the incredible series of zombie games, Resident Evil. 10 points if you got the reference.
Didn't you hear? The zombies can now 'properly' run. As in, it was announced today on the emergency frequency.
All those times I'd seent the sprinting dead, I wasn't just being paranoid... The dead really are quick.
Yes, you read it here second, folks. We're completely and utterly fucked.
All those braindead corpses out there... Just imagine a horde of them jogging after you. TERRIFYING.
Fuck, I mean if 95% of the earth's population can be killed off by slow zombies, what hope do the remaining 5% have against fast ones?
The shit is quite literally hitting the fanboy.
Essentially, the rules are the same... Aim for the head, don't go out at night, don't go out AT ALL... And of course one more thing...
Run for your life.