Jan 01 (1)

DAY #321

Happy descending day number day! And what a momentus day it was too...
I'd like to extend my most humble appreciation to possibly the most beautiful survivor that ever lived for a lovely evening.
I'm putting that one in the memory box...
Makes me happy to be alive. Grateful for how far I've come. Thankful for how nice the people around me are...
Murray's second quantised state, in comparison to yesterday's blog, is almost blissful. Goes to show what a bit of female company does!
Oh, I do hope the rest of my time in this utter hell-hole, however short it might be, is as enjoyable as this. I don't think I messed up once!
Relax, Murray. She didn't bite... She's not like them... She's not infected. Which is about as romantic as it gets in the zombie apocalypse!
Thank you, Zeus, for giving me such a wonderful, entertaining, and surprisingly not at all awkward evening on the 321st day.
Alright, so where do I go from here... No... Where do we go from here... It's not long before the year ends. I doubt I'll live longer than that.
Looks like the zombies are picking up the pace. I heard Scotland has gone completely. If it's to be a happy ending, I'd better hurry...
So... Fancy a random, awkward, unnecessary sex scene random girl I barely know?