Jan 01 (1)

DAY #344

Hey, hi, how are you doing? Hope you're not too hot!
I forgot to make my Halo reference yesterday, so I'll make it now, and then send it backwards through time. I can do that shit...
It's day number 343! 343, like 343 Guilty Spark! From Halo! Yeah! Referencing! Woo!
Now... What was the keyboard shortcut for time travel again? Was it Ctrl + Shift + Tab? Because that loks like it might work...
That didn't work. Sigh, I'm afraid you're just going to have to pretend I typed that yesterday. Sorry! Anyway...
Europe sounds like it's coping pretty well with this whole 'zombie apocalypse' thing... I mean, the Swiss built an LHC for God's sake!
Right now, I hear Belgium is fairly clear of the undead. People are actually able to go outside, and not get eaten instantly.
Not like here! It's the terrible case of the weather being cold, but not cold enough for the zombies to start freezing up...
And my window doesn't shut properly. So yeah. One very cold Murray tonight.
These blogs... I do hope they've been helpful for people out there... I know I haven't done MANY survival ones, but still...
If anything, I wanted to let people know they weren't alone. Y'know, just a daily "I'm still here" that I think every survivor needs...
Or, if not that, then at least provide some entertainment in the form of how bad I am at life. Always a good laugh!
Not that I intend on stopping! Haha, I just reread those last couple of lines... I make it sound like I'll never blog again!
As long as I live, I swear to you, I shall keep you informed of my crippling failures and very occasionally how to kill the undead! I swear!
Look at me, 344 days into the year, still typing this shit... I promised myself in January I'd still be going, and here we are!
Four thousand page views by the end of the year? Would that be doable? Possibly... Let's shoot for 3650... Ten views a day.
REMAIN INDOORS currently has about 3360 total views, so, all we need is for someone bored to keep hitting F5 and we're golden!
I'm really trying not to be an arsehole about this. I mean, yes, I do post a link to it every day, but I don't tweet it or anything...
Everyone who wants to read it can read it, everyone who despises me, my guts, and every word I create can just ignore it.
No, I'm not in the business of tricking people into wasting their time. There's enough crap out there on the internet like that as it is!
Damn it. I was really hoping to make a good zombie blog today, but I let myself down. Ah well, there's always tomorrow... If I live that long.