Jan 01 (1)

DAY #345

How are you? I'm fine, just... Y'know... Staying inside, tying not to die...
I mean, I wouldn't want to alrt the horde now, would I? Spirals, rope ladders and headshots can only do so much against the undead...
Living alone, in the dark, on the internet, with no fresh air and not many friends is still living, at the end of the dy!
Ah! I think I forgot to mention, but the term is finally over! Yeah, it finishe on Friday! I probably should have said something at the time, but...
UNIVERSITY IS OVER FOR THE YEAR! (Oh, and don't quesion that university is still going in the zombie apocalypse... It just is!)
Right, well... My plan is to head back to SAFEOUSE #1 just as soon as I deem the zombies slow enough to outrun...
At the moment, it would be way too risky to make a dash for it... Those zombies outsid are cold, but they could still run if they wanted!
Various diferent people have warned me that this time of year is actually the most dangerous, since we survivors get complacent!
Everyone's seen that disgusting video from last year, right? Of that poor lttle girl? Well, let me tell you...
Right, so there's this young girl, she must be about, fou or five? And she's outside in the snow on Christmas Day...
You know the one I mean? It's the one where she's playing with all the snow and laughing and tuff, and her mum is filming her...
Well, she walks pas this snowman, and... You've guessed it... It's not a snowman. It was a zombie covered in snow.
Everyone's seen that one right? It went pretty viral last year, I seem to remember... But's it's horribe! Especially when the snow turns red...
Let that video be a lsson to us all... Stay the hell away from snowmen in the zombie apocalypse!
Luckily, this year, we might not have to contend with such festive horror... In 14 days, we migh all be saved!
Don't coun on it, but just be aware that it might happen. You'll know it's working if you feel an incredible urge to leave.
Of course, that's the only reason it works in the first plac! The fact that we're smarter than them means we can endure the discomfort!
Now then... It's pobably time for me to log off and blog off, so wrap up warm, make yourself a nice hot drink and get some rest...
Everyone reading this... Goodnight! And I hope to type some words tomorrow! Oh, and before I go... I don't uually make typos...