Jan 01 (1)

DAY #353

Hooray for consistency! This year has been exactly the same for the past 353 days!
I try and try not to die, but in doing so, I'm really killing myself... Eroding my being.
Do many people feel like that? Like the more they REMAIN INDOORS, the less of a person they are?
Or...Or that, the longer I'm out of the outdoors, the less of a chance I'll have to get back into the human... Race?
Ya! Read it here first! I'm a failure!
Oh, by the way, did you know I'm a failure? Death by zombies would be too good for me...
University is over for this year, so will probably survive until the new year... My family's safehouse has giant Poliwhirls everywhere.
Ending the 2011 year the same way it started... Cold... Alone... Scared...
Victini won't bloody download either. There's a fucking time limit on V-Create, GameFreak... Sort your connectivity out!
Er... Um... Sorry... That's completely unrealated to everything. I'm just a little bit upset about that. Had to put it out there...
No, right, where was I? Ah yes... How pathetic I am forwardslash how terrified I am of the outside world...
Lairy, brain-biting undead fill the streets, the sky is getting blacker by the day, each second that passes makes the air colder...
I hope that that LHC fails. I hope something goes wrong, and it doesn't work... I'm scared of what I'll have to do otherwise...
Kiss girls... Hold hands... Re... Re... Rep-p-p-p-populate!? I can't handle that shit, dog... I only know zombie things...
Evil dead, walking corpses, call them whatever you like... I know about them. I don't know about humans. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!
My thoughts at the moment are... I have 6 days until they switch it on, until humanity is saved... I have 6 days to ruin humanity.
Eh... You didn't read that... You only read the first and third letters... Don't tell anyone... I've got to get to CERN... To doom mankind.